Thursday, July 26, 2012

I can't help it, though i'm aware of the risk

Aku pernah post satu gambar dalam FB
dan kemudian aku delete atas permintaan orang yang berkepentingan tentang gambar tu.
Sapa yang selalu tgk FB dan fren dgn saya tentu sempat tengok gambaq dibawah.

Yes, it's a photo of a cheque amounting to RM 50K payable to me!
Cek tu sepatutnya cuma 50hengget jer payment for MOB.

But that particular firm wrongly wrote the amount as 50K

Bukan aku tak tau risiko kalo aku posting gambaq tu kat FB

1) aku mungkin akan kehilangan JOB dari firm tersebut.
2) Kawan2 FB mesti tau firm mana walopun aku tutup sikit nama firm.haha
3) Bos firm tu mesti tidoq tak lena

Despite those risks I've decided to post it anyway.


It was sooo hilarious that i could not afford to keep it to myself.
being me, I need to share it.hahahah

as a result, and as expected though, I never get a job from them anymore.

But, it's a risk that I have to take in order to make my afternoon and my friends' afternoon more colourful. for that particular day only of coz. hahaha.

tapi macam post aku sebelum ni, Rezki tu Allah yang bagi, hilang satu, 3 mari. Alhamdulillah

ia takkan menghalang aku dari posting benda2 pelik lagi.hahaha


Anonymous said...

Ini baru anak jantan haha, boleh lawan uncle seekers hang nih..

Syed zul

Akmal said...

tu dia kaya2